Saturday, 7 February 2009

Fashionista to watch.

BOLA Balogon.
Bola Balogun,a Nigerian personal stylist always looks spot on.She never looks like she's a slave to fashion.Always dressed impeccably,Bola stands out like high heels among flats.What i love most is her it!

images from thisday style.


SET said...

I like her bag game,

Wendy Kay said...

hi, i'm Wendy. i loooooooooove ur blog! i'm so into fashion too and i fink u'll go really far wiv dis. i love ur style and i'll like u to make something 4 me. i have a blog here on blogger maybe u culd visit sometime. its not about fashion tho. anyhu, kudos!

Wendy Kay said...

btw, i'm morley's friend!